The goal is to build positive working relationships with each First Nation, our citizens, Government, industry, and academia.
A positive working relationship is where we can come to understand and respect each other’s views and perspectives.
To establish a regional framework that will allow Anishinabek leadership and technical expertise to gather and discuss the local and regional priorities, concerns, opportunities.
To enhance decision-making that will act on matters that will protect our jurisdiction, traditional territory and rights.
To increase communications and to understand each other’s needs, priorities, and opportunities.
Forum Resources

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Forum Agenda
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
8:30 am
Registration Opens
8:40 am
Forum Welcome
8:45 am
Opening Address
9:10 am
Anishinabek Nation Leadership Panel
10:15 am
Health Break
10:30 am
Spirit of the Land
11:15 am
Dokis First Nation Mapping Project
12:00 pm
Break Out Sessions (Livestream Ends)
Lake Huron
1:00 pm
Cultural Burning
1:50 pm
Great Lakes
2:40 pm
Afternoon Break
3:00 pm
Creating an Invasive Species Management Plan
Northern Superior
1:00 pm
Creating an Invasive Species Management Plan
1:50 pm
Cultural Burning
2:40 pm
Afternoon Break
3:00 pm
Great Lakes
Southeast / Southwest
1:00 pm
Great Lakes
1:50 pm
Creating an Invasive Species Management Plan
2:40 pm
Afternoon Break
3:00 pm
Cultural Burning
Lake Huron
Northern Superior
Southeast / Southwest
1:00 pm
Cultural Burning
Creating an Invasive Species Management Plan
Great Lakes
1:50 pm
Great Lakes
Cultural Burning
Creating an Invasive Species Management Plan
2:40 pm
Afternoon Break
3:00 pm
Creating an Invasive Species Management Plan
Great Lakes
Cultural Burning
3:50 pm
Prize Draw and End of Day 1
Wednesday, February 12, 2024
8:30 am
Registration Opens
8:45 am
Welcome and Recap of Day 1
9:00 am
Anishinabek Nation Councils Panel
9:50 am
Wampum Belt Teaching
10:45 am
Health Break
11:00 am
Anishinabek Chiefs Committee on the Environment (CCE)
12:00 pm
Break Out Sessions (Livestream Ends)
Lake Huron
1:00 pm
Traditional Structure Framework
1:50 pm
GIS Tools, Applications and Resources
2:40 pm
Afternoon Break
3:00 pm
Incorporating Land-Based Values and Environmental Stewardship Principles
Northern Superior
1:00 pm
Incorporating Land-Based Values and Environmental Stewardship Principles
1:50 pm
Traditional Structure Framework
2:40 pm
Afternoon Break
3:00 pm
GIS Tools, Applications and Resources
Southeast / Southwest
1:00 pm
GIS Tools, Applications and Resources
1:50 pm
Incorporating Land-Based Values and Environmental Stewardship Principles
2:40 pm
Afternoon Break
3:00 pm
Traditional Structure Framework
Lake Huron
Northern Superior
Southeast / Southwest
1:00 pm
Traditional Structure Framework
Incorporating Land-Based Values and Environmental Stewardship Principles
GIS Tools, Applications and Resources
1:50 pm
GIS Tools, Applications and Resources
Traditional Structure Framework
Incorporating Land-Based Values and Environmental Stewardship Principles
2:40 pm
Afternoon Break
3:00 pm
Incorporating Land-Based Values and Environmental Stewardship Principles
GIS Tools, Applications and Resources
Traditional Structure Framework
3:50 pm
Prize Draw and End of Day 2
Thursday, February 13, 2024
8:30 am
Registration Opens
8:35 am
Welcome and Recap of Day 1 & 2
8:40 am
Our Sacred Responsibilities: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) Calls for Justice in Impact Assessments
9:20 am
Agriculture and Food Security Panel
10:10 am
Health Break
10:30 am
Robinson Huron Waawiindamaagewin
11:30 am
Closing Remarks
11:45 am
Forum Closing
12:00 pm
Forum Adjourned
For more information, contact:
Jenny-Lou Campbell, Anishinabek Nation
Francis Gallo, Anishinabek Nation